Negritude : a humanism of the twentieth century / Léopold Sédar Senghor -- On national culture / Frantz Fanon -- National liberation and culture / Amilcar Cabral -- Can the subaltern speak? / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- Remembering Fanon : self, psyche and the colonial condition / Homi Bhabha -- from Orientalism / Edward Said -- Orientalism and its problems / Dennis Porter -- Orientalism and after / Aijaz Ahmad -- from Discourse on colonialism / Aimé Césaire -- from The consequences of modernity / Anthony Giddens -- Under Western eyes : feminist scholarship and colonial discourses / Chandra Talpade Mohanty -- The unspeakable limits of rape : colonial violence and counter-insurgency / Jenny Sharpe -- Woman skin deep : feminism and the postcolonial condition / Sara Suleri -- Speaking in tongues : dialogics, dialectics and the Black woman writer's literary tradition / Mae Gwendolyn Henderson -- What is post(-)colonialism? / Vijay Mishra and Bob Hodge -- The angel of progress : pitfalls of the term 'post-colonialism' / Anne McClintock -- Overworlding the 'third world' / Ania Loomba -- Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy / Arjun Appadurai -- Towards a critical theory of third world films / Teshome H. Gabriel -- Beyond ethnocentrism : gender, power and the third-world intelligentsia / Jean Franco -- Identity and its discontents : women and the nation / Deniz Kandiyoti -- Cultural identity and diaspora / Stuart Hall -- Urban social movements, 'race' and community / Paul Gilroy -- Postmodern blackness / bell hooks -- The African writer and the English language / Chinua Achebe -- The language of African literature / Ngũgĩ Thiongʼo -- The construction of woman in three popular texts of empire : towards a critique of materialist feminism / Rosemary Hennessy and Rajeswari Mohan -- Kim and Orientalism / Patrick Williams -- The imperial unconscious? : representations of imperial discourse / Laura Chrisman -- Xala, Ousmane Sembene 1976 : the carapace that failed / Laura Mulvey -- The empire renarrated : Season of migration to the north and the reinvention of the present / Saree S. Makdisi