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The pictorial battles of the civil war illustrated by upwards of 1000 engravings from sketches by Thos. Nast, Waud, Schell ... etc. With an introduction by L. G. Wunder... The United States navy and the part it took in the civil war, by Admiral David D. Porter. An historical sketch of the Grand army of the republic, by Colonel Robert B. Beath... Confederate veterans' association, historical sketch...

Catalog Data

La Bree, Ben  Search this
Beath, Robert B (Robert Burns) 1839-1914  Search this
Carrington, W. C (William Cornelius)  Search this
Porter, David D (David Dixon) 1813-1891  Search this
Sheridan, Philip Henry 1831-1888  Search this
Wright, Marcus J (Marcus Joseph) 1831-1922  Search this
Physical description:
2 volumes illustrations (including portraits, maps) folded plates 43 cm
Pictorial works
United States
Civil War, 1861-1865
Added title page in colors
Volume 2 has title: The pictorial battles of the civil war... The last days of the rebellion: The surrender of Gen. R.E. Lee to Gen. U.S. Grant at Appomattox, By Lieut-Gen. Philip H. Sheridan... A roster of the general officers of the Confederate army... contributed by Gen. Marcus J. Wright.
Volume 1. Sketches by Tho. Nast [and others] -- Introduction / by L.G. Wunder. The United States Navy and the part it took in the Civil War / by David D. Porter. An historical sketch of the Grand Army of the Republic / by Robert B. Beath. Confederate Veterans' Association historical sketch / by W.C. Carrington. A comprehensive history of the Civil War and the events leading thereto / by Benjamin La Bree -- volume 2. Pictorial battles of the Civil War. Last days of the Rebellion : the surrender of Gen. R.E. Lee to Gen. U.S. Grant at Appomattox / Philip H. Seridan. A roster of the general officers of the Confederate Army / contributed by Marcus J. Wright
Military campaigns  Search this
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Campaigns  Search this
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Smithsonian Libraries