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The epic of Gilgamesh / an English version, with an introduction by N.K. Sandars

Catalog Data

Sandars, N. K (Nancy K.)  Search this
Physical description:
127 p. : map ; 18 cm
Translations into English
Introduction. 1. The history of the epic -- 2. the discovery of the tables -- 3. the historical background -- 4. the literary background -- 5. the hero of epic -- 6. the principal Gods of the epic -- 7. the story -- 8. survival -- 9. the diciton of the epic -- 10. remarks on this version acknowledgments
The Epic of Gilgamesh. 1. the coming of Enkidu -- 2. the forest journey -- 3. Ishtar and Gilgamesh, and the death of Enkidu -- 4. the search for everlasting life -- 5. the story of the blood -- 6.the return -- 7. the death of gilgamesh. -- Glossary of names -- Appendix: sources
Presents an English version of the epic poem which dates from the third millenium B.C., telling of the adventures of Gilgamesh, the great king of Uruk, and his search for immortality.
Epic poetry, Assyro-Babylonian  Search this
Call number:
PJ3771.G5 E513 1972
Data Source:
Smithsonian Libraries