Introduction : celebrating and understanding reproductive diversity / Janet L. Leonard -- The distinction between primary and secondary sexual characters / Michael T. Ghiselin -- The evolution of sexes, gametes, and sexual systems : natural vs. sexual selection / Janet L. Leonard -- Rapid divergent evolution of genitalia : theory and data updated / William G. Eberhard -- Killing time : a mechanism of sexual conflict and sexual selection / Patricia Adair Gowaty and Stephen P. Hubbell -- Gamete release and spawning behavior in broadcast spawning marine invertebrates / Katie E. Lotterhos and Don R. Levitan -- Prosobranchs with internal fertilization / Alan N. Hodgson -- Opisthobranchs / Ángel Valdés, Terrence M. Gosliner, and Michael T. Ghiselin -- Basommatophoran gastropods / Philippe Jarne ... [et al.] -- Stylommatophoran gastropods / Bruno Baur -- An ancient indirect sex model : single and mixed patterns in the evolution of scorpion genitalia / Alfredo V. Peretti -- Spider genitalia : precise maneuvers with a numb structure in a complex lock / William G. Eberhard and Bernhard A. Huber -- Genitalic evolution in Opiliones / Rogelio Macías-Ordóñez ... [et al.] -- The evolution of male and female internal reproductive organs in insects / Nina Wedell and David J. Hosken -- Selective forces propelling genitalic evolution in Odonata / Adolfo Cordero Rivera and Alex Córdoba-Aguilar -- Postcopulatory sexual selection in the Coleoptera : mechanisms and consequences / Paul Eady -- Fertilization mode, sperm competition, and cryptic female choice shape primary sexual characters in fish / Michael Taborsky and Francis C. Neat -- Evolution of primary sexual characters in amphibians / Lynne D. Houck and Paul A. Verrell -- Evolution of primary sexual characters in reptiles / Tobias Uller, Devi Stuart-Fox, and Mats Olsson -- Sexual conflict and the intromittent organs of male birds / Robert Montgomerie -- Genitalic traits of mammals : systematics and variation / Edward H. Miller -- The evolution of primary sexual characters in animals : a summary / Alex Córdoba-Aguilar