From the street to the museum: advertising graphics in the Raccolta Bartarelli / Claudio Salsi -- "Advertising art": an international browse through the works in the Raccolta delle Stampe A. Bartarelli (1880-1919) / Giovanna Ginex -- Examples of advertising graphics from the 1920s to the 1930s in the Raccolta Bartarelli / Giovanna Mori -- The origins of modern commercial communication in Italy through the specialist magazines of the 1920s / Alessia Alberti -- "Moins on montre, plus on dit": first, the idea, then, a language between 1930s and 1968 / Anna Steiner -- The phantasm of reality: advertising in the art of the 1960s / Francesco Tedeschi -- The artists and their posters: experiences of applied graphics / Claudio Salsi