Scrapbook containing a total of 591 woven silk fabric samples mounted on 75 pages, in a volume containing a total of 126 pages (the pages are numbered 1-40, 43-68, 97-153, 269-272). Most of the samples measure 5 x 6 cm. or larger, and reflect Art deco styles. The samples are not numbered, and the scrapbook does not seem to have functioned as a sales catalog (e.g. for a textiles company), but may have been compiled by a dressmaker or collector of fabrics.
The fabric samples have been mounted on the leaves of a ledger with printed page numbers and red column dividers. The ledger contains handwritten bookkeeping records in ink and pencil, dating from 1911 and 1912, for an unidentified printing company located in the New York City area. The relationship (if any) between the printing company represented in the manuscript ledger and the fabric samples is unknown.
The fabric samples possibly originated from factories in Paterson, New Jersey, where there was a concentration of silk textile manufacturers.
Pages 106-270 contain handwritten ledger annotations, only. The pages numbered 269-272, apparently inserted from another volume, are bound in the following order between p. 152 and 153: 271, 272, 269, 270 (these numbers have been corrected in red ms. ink to 153-156). The original p. 153, which follows p. 270, is blank.