viii, 244 pages illustrations, maps (some color) 29 cm
Actes de congrès
Conference papers and proceedings
Earth (Planet)
Papers from a conference held at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Nov. 10-11, 1966, and sponsored by the Dept. of Geology, Columbia University
Introduction / Robert A. Phinney -- [The upper mantle] -- Upper mantle chemistry and evolution of the earth's crust / Paul W. Gast -- The geophysical importance of high-temperature creep / Dan P. McKenzie -- Viscosity of the earth's mantle /Robert K. McConnell Jr. -- [Evidence from the ocean basins] -- The paleomagnetism of oceanic cores / Neil D. Opdyke -- Magnetic anomalies associated with mid-ocean ridges / F.J. Vine -- Evidence for ocean floor spreading across the ocean basins / J.R. Heirtzler -- Time scale for geomagnetic reverals / A. Cox [and others] -- Some remaining problems in sea floor spreading / H.W. Menand -- Heat flow through the ocean floor and convection currents (abstract) / S. Le Pichon -- Seimological evidence for transform faults, sea floor spreading and continental drift / Lynn R. Sykes -- [Evidence from the continents] -- Review of age data in West Africa and South America relative to a test of continental drift / P.M. Hurley and J.R. Rand -- Appalachian and Caledonian evidence for drift in the North Atlantic / John Dewey and Marshall Kay -- The distribution of continental crust and its relation to ice ages / E. Irving and W.A. Robertson -- Paleoclimatic evidence of a geocentric axial dipole field / James C. Briden -- A paleoclimatic test of the hypothesis of an axial dipolar magnetic field / Francis G. Stehli -- The crust of the earth from a lower paleozoic point of view / A.J. Boucot [and others] -- [Closing review] -- Conference on the history of the earth's crust / E.C. Bullard