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African vision : the Walt Disney-Tishman African art collection by Christine Mullen Kreamer ; photos by Franko Khoury

Catalog Data

Kreamer, Christine Mullen  Search this
Khoury, Franko  Search this
Smithsonian Libraries African Art Index Project DSI  Search this
Tishman, Paul Art collections  Search this
Tishman, Ruth Art collections  Search this
Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection  Search this
National Museum of African Art (U.S.)  Search this
Washington (D.C.)
Color illustrations.
The exhibition African Vision: The Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection opened February 15, 2007 and runs through September 7, 2008 at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of African Art in Washington, D.C. The exhibition showcases 525 objects and "includes unique and rare works of traditional African art from throughout the continent south of the Sahara, some in styles that are unavailable in the art market today."
The history of the Walt Disney-Tishman Collection began with New York real estate developer Paul Tishman and his wife, Ruth. They acquired their first African sculptures in the late 1950s. The Tishmans sought works in a variety of media, including ivory, wood, ceramic, metal, and fiber. The Tishman Collection has enjoyed close to forty years of exposure and was sold to the Walt Disney Company in 1984.
Art, African  Search this
Call number:
N5310.7 .W927
Data Source:
Smithsonian Libraries