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Amphibians and reptiles : status and conservation in Florida / Walter E. Meshaka, Jr. and Kimberly J. Babbitt, editors

Catalog Data

Meshaka, Walter E. 1963-  Search this
Babbitt, Kimberly Jane 1962-  Search this
Physical description:
xvi, 317 p. : ill., maps ; 29 cm
The Florida herpetofauna in a changing environment / Walter E. Meshaka Jr. and Ray E. Ashton Jr. -- Human disturbance and Florida anurans / Pablo R. Delis and Henry R. Mushinsky -- Herpetofauna of impacted wetlands in east Florida : a pre-augmentation assessment / Ryan C. Means and Richard Franz -- Roads and Florida's herpetofauna : a review and mitigation case study / Lora L. Smith ... [et al.] -- The potential impact of pesticides, heavy metals, and growth regulators on Florida amphibians / Fred Punzo -- The impact of agriculture on temporary wetland amphibians in Florida / Kimberly J. Babbitt, Matthew J. Baber and George W. Tanner -- Effects of sand pine silviculture on pond-breeding amphibians in the Woodville karst plain of north Florida / D. Bruce Means and Ryan C. Means -- Natural history and status of the flatwoods salamander in Florida / Ray E. Ashton Jr. and Patricia S. Ashton -- The value of dead tree bases and stumpholes as habitat for wildlife / D. Bruce Means -- Chaos and continuity : the role of isolated ephemeral wetlands on amphibian population in xeric sand hills / Cathryn H. Greenberg and George W. Tanner -- Conservation and life history of the striped newt : the importance of habitat connectivity / Steve A. Johnson -- The conservation of box turtles on public lands in Florida / C. Kenneth Dodd Jr. and Marian L. Griffey -- Planning gopher tortoise conservation into the future / Ray E. Ashton Jr. -- Up close and personal : a glimpse into the life of the Florida pine snake in a north Florida sand hill / Richard D. Franz -- The decline and extirpation of the king snake in Florida / Kenneth L. Krysko and Daniel J. Smith -- Status of the American alligator in southern Florida and its role in measuring restoration success in the Everglades / Kenneth G. Rice, Frank J. Mazzotti and Laura A. Brandt -- Relationships among habitat type, hydrology, predator composition, and distribution of larval anurans in the Florida Everglades / Matthew J. Baber ... [et al.] -- Florida rivers and turtles : an interdependence / Dale R. Jackson -- Insular ecology of the Florida Keys reptiles / Brian K. Mealey ... [et al.] -- The diamondback terrapin in Florida Bay and the Florida Keys : insights into turtle conservation and ecology / John D. Baldwin ... [et al.] -- Alligator harvest in Florida / Tommy Hines -- Commercial harvest of amphibians and reptiles in Florida for the pet trade / Kevin M. Enge -- Florida's commercial trade in rattlesnakes and possible conservation strategies / Kevin M. Enge -- The knight anole : ecology of a successful colonizing species in extreme southern mainland Florida / Walter E. Meshaka Jr. and Kenneth G. Rice -- The introduction of hemidactyline geckos in Florida : colonization and impact on native fauna / Fred Punzo -- Appendix. County records of native amphibian and reptile species in Florida
Amphibians  Search this
Reptiles  Search this
Amphibians--Conservation  Search this
Reptiles--Conservation  Search this
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Smithsonian Libraries