New worlds, new lives : globalization and people of Japanese descent in the Americas and from Latin America in Japan / edited by Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, Akemi Kikumura-Yano, James A. Hirabayashi
Globalization as human dispersal : Nikkei in the world / Harumi Befu -- The impact of contemporary globalization on Nikkei identities / Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, Akemi Kikumura-Yano, and James A. Hirabayashi -- In search of the hyphen : Nikkei and the struggle over Brazilian national identity / Jeffrey Lessser -- Licensed agencies for relief in Asia : relief materials and Nikkei populations in the United States and Canada / Masako Iino -- An approach to the formation of Nikkei identity in Peru : Issei and Nisei / Raúl Araki -- The "labor pains" of forging a Nikkei community : a study of the Santa Cruz region in Bolivia / Kozy Amemiya -- "The twain shall meet" in the Nisei? Japanese language education and U.S.-Japan relations, 1900-1940 / Teruko Kumei -- The Nikkei's education in the Japanese language in Paraguay : the Japanese educational system and its influence on the colonies / Emi Kasamatsu -- Peruvian Nikkei : a sociopolitical portrait / Amelia Morimoto -- Pathways to power : comparative perspectives on the emergence of Nikkei ethnic political traditions / Lane Ryo Hirabayashi -- I woman, I man, I Nikkei : symbolic construction of femininity and masculinity in the Japanese community of Peru / Doris Moromisato Miasato -- Migration as a negotiation of gender : recent Japanese immigrant women in Canada / Audrey Kobayashi -- Race, gender, ethnicity and the narrative of national identity in the films of Tizuka Yamazaki / Naomi Hoki Moniz -- The Japanese Brazilian dekasegi phenomenon : an economic perspective / Edson Mori -- The dekasegi phenomenon and the education of Japanese Brazilian children in Japanese schools / Masato Ninomiya -- The emigration of Argentines of Japanese descent to Japan / Marcelo G. Higa -- The Nikkei negotiation of minority/majority dynamics in Peru and the United States / Steven Masami Ropp -- The uchinanchu diaspora and the boundary of "Nikkei" / Makoto Arakaki -- Nikkeijin and multicultural coexistence in Japan : Kobe after the Great Earthquake / Yasuko I. Takezawa -- Retrospect and prospects / Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, Akemi Kikumura-Yano, and James A. Hirabayashi