The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849-'50-'51-'52. Lieut. J.M. Gilliss, superintendent ... Vol. I, II, III, VI ..
Vols. 4 and 5, designed to contain the results of the astronomical observations, were not published. The material was published later by the U.S. Naval Observatory in its Astronomical and meteorological observations (Washington observations) for 1868, app. I, 1871, and Astronomical, magnetic and meteorological observations (Washington observations) for 1890, app. I, 1895.
The plates are signed by the illustrators F. Herbst, M.C. Gritzner, J.M. Stanley, and W. Dreser; by the engravers Selmar Siebert, J. Queen, J.H. Richard, and Dougal; and by the lithographers P.S. Duval & Co., and T. Sinclairs Lith.
I. Chile: its geography, climate, earthquakes, government, social condition, mineral and agricultural resources, commerce, &c., &c. [with Appendices A, B, C] by J.M. Gilliss. 1855.--II. Report of a journey across the Andes and pampas of the Argentine provinces, by Archibald MacRae. Appendices: D. Minerals, by J. L. Smith. E. Indian remains, by T Ewbank. F. Zoology: Mammals, by S.F. Baird. Birds, by J. Cassin. Reptiles, fishes, Crustacea, by C. Girard. Shells, by A.A. Gould. G. Botany: Dried plants, by Asa Gray. Living plants and seeds, by W.D. Brackenridge. H. Paleontology: Fossil mammals by J. Wyman. Fossil shells, by T.A. Conrad. 1855.--III. Observations to determine the solar parallax, J.M. Gilliss. 1856.--IV.-V. Not published.--VI. Magnetical and meteorological observations, under the direction of J.M. Gilliss. 1856