Originally published: New York; London: Garland, 2000.
Part 1: Traveling music and musicians: Jazz performance as ritual: the Blues Aesthetic and the African Diaspora / Travis A. Jackson -- Communities of style: musical figures of Black Diasporic identity / Veit Erlmann -- Jazz on the global state / Jerome Harris : Part 2: Beyond tradition or modernity -- Women, music, and the "mystique" of hunters in Mali / Lucy Durán -- Mamaya: renewal and tradition in Maninnka music of Kankan, Guinea (1935-45) / Lansiné Kaba and Eric Charry -- Concepts of Neo-African music as manifested in the Yoruba Folk Opera / Akin Euba -- They just need money: good and gods, power and truth in a West African village / Steven Cornelius -- Part 3: Contradictory moments -- Militarism in Haitian music / Gage Averill and Yuen-Ming David Yih -- Musical revivals and social movements in contemporary Martinique: ideology, identity, ambivalence / Julian Gerstin -- Art Blakey's African Diaspora / Ingrid Monson