Sleeper wakes ; Double trouble ; Mary Elizabeth / Jessie Redmon Fauset -- Wedding day / Gwendolyn Bennett -- Free / Georgia Douglas Johnson -- Funeral ; Typewriter ; Prologue to a life / Dorothy West -- One boy's story ; Drab rambles ; Nothing new / Marita Bonner -- Closing door / Angelina Weld Grimke -- Bathesda of Sinners Run / Maude Irwin Owens -- Foolish and the wise: Sallie Runner is introduced to Socrates and Sanctum 777 N.S.D.C.O.U. meets Cleopatra / Leila Amos Pendleton -- Cross crossings cautiously ; Three dogs and a rabbit / Anita Scott Coleman -- Blue Aloes ; To a wild rose / Ottie Beatrice Graham -- His great career ; Summer session / Alice Dunbar-Nelson -- Masks ; Mademoiselle Tasie / Eloise Bibb Thompson -- John Redding goes to sea ; Bone of contention / Zora Neale Hurston -- Sanctuary ; Wrong man ; Freedom / Nella Larsen
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