Geoarchaeology and the mid-holocene landscape history of the greater southeast / Joseph Schuldenrein -- Mid-holocene forest history of Florida and the coastal plain of Georgia and South Carolina / William A. Watts, Eric C. Grimm, T. C. Hussey -- Changing strategies of lithic technological organization / Daniel S. Amick, Philip J. Carr -- Technological innovations in economic and social contexts / Kenneth E. Sassaman -- Middle and Late archaic architecture / Kenneth E. Sassaman, R. Jerald Ledbetter -- Paleoethnobotanical record for the mid-holocene southeast / Kristen J. Gremillion -- Mid-holocene faunal exploitation in the southeastern United States / Bonnie W. Styles, Walter E. Klippel -- Biocultural inquiry into Archaic period populations of the southeast : trauma and occupational stress / Maria O. Smith -- Approaches to modeling regional settlement in the Archaic period southeast / David G. Anderson -- Southeastern mid-holocene coastal settlements / Michael Russo
Accounting for submerged Mid-holocene archaeological sites in the southeast : a case study from the Chesapeake Bay Estuary, Virginia / Dennis B. Blanton -- Emergence of long-distance exchange networks in the southeastern United States / Richard W. Jefferies -- Consideration of the Social Organization of the Shell Mound Archaic / Cheryl P. Claassen -- Southeastern archaic mounds / Michael Russo -- Poverty point and greater southeastern prehistory : the culture that did not fit / Jon L. Gibson