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Puerto Rican women and work : bridges in transnational labor / edited by Altagracia Ortiz

Catalog Data

Ortiz, Altagracia 1941-  Search this
Physical description:
xi, 249 p. ; 24 cm
Puerto Rico
Needlewomen under the New Deal in Puerto Rico, 1920-1945 / Eileen Boris -- 'En la aguja y el pedal eché la hiel': Puerto Rican women in the garment industry of New York City, 1920-1980 / Altagracia Ortiz -- Toward bilingual education: Puerto Rican women teachers in New York City schools, 1947-1967 / Virginia Sánchez Korrol -- The Impact of job losses on Puerto Rican women in the Middle Atlantic Region, 1970-1980 / Alice Colón-Warren -- Our two full-time jobs: women garment workers balance factory and domestic demands in Puerto Rico / Carmen A. Pérez-Herranz -- Gender and politics: grassroots leadership among Puerto Rican women in a health struggle / Marya Muñoz-Vázquez -- Negotiating gender, work, and welfare: familia as productive labor among Puerto Rican women in New York City / Rosa M. Torruellas, Rina Benmayor, and Ana Juarbe -- New tappings on the keys: changes in work and gender roles for women clerical workers in Puerto Rico / Geraldine J. Casey
Puerto Rican women--Employment--History  Search this
Women--Employment--History  Search this
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Smithsonian Libraries