Pattern and diversity in reproduction and development / Lisa A. Levin and Todd S. Bridges -- Variation in the size, energy content, and biochemical composition of invertebrate eggs : correlates to the mode of larval development / William B. Jaeckle -- Evolutionary ecology of larval types / Jon N. Havenhand -- Ecology of fertilization in free-spawning invertebrates / Don R. Levitan -- Timing of larval release / Steven G. Morgan -- Mechanisms and rates of suspension feeding / Michael W. Hart and Richard R. Strathmann -- Larval nutrition / Isabelle F. Boidron-MetĖairon -- Behavior and locomotion during the dispersal phase of larval life / Craig M. Young -- Life and death in the plankton : larval mortality and adaptation / Steven G. Morgan -- Mechanisms of cross-shelf dispersal of larval invertebrates and fish / Alan L. Shanks -- Using genetics as an indirect estimator of larval dispersal / Stephen R. Palumbi -- Modeling the dynamics of marine species : the importance of incorporating larval dispersal / Steven D. Gaines and Kevin D. Lafferty -- Evolution of larvae and developmental modes / Gregory A. Wray