Foreword, by D. Horowitz.--Editorial, by editors of Ramparts.--Eco-catastrophe! By P. Ehrlich.--The eco-establishment, by K. Barkley and S. Weissman.--Why the population bomb is a Rockefeller baby, by S. Weissman.--Toward an ecological solution, by M. Bookchin.--Catch 24,400; or, Plutonium is my favorite element, by R. Rapoport.--Science and the gross national pollution, by G. M. Woodwell.--The making of a pollution-industrial complex, by M. Gellen.--Santa Barbara: oil in the velvet playground, by H. Molotch.--The ecology of oil; raping Alaska, by B. Weisberg.--California water plan: the most expensive faucet in the world, by G. Marine.--Rural renewal; trouble in paradise, by S. Stern