"Essays presented to Professor William Francis Grimes."
Sheldon, J. M. Landscape.--Dimbleby, G. W. Archaeological science; whose responsibility?--Sturdy, D. The Temple of Diana and the Devil's Quoits: continuity, persistence and tradition.--Bray, W. M. A page of "Punch".--Cornwall, I. W. Old and new views on primate fossils.--Waechter, J. d'A. The Late Middle Acheulian industries in the Swanscombe area--Newcomer, M. H. and Hodson, F. R. Constellation analysis of burins from Ksar Akil.--Glover, I. C. Island Southeast Asia and the settlement of Australia.--Evans, J. D. Sherd weights and sherd counts; a contribution to the problem of quantifying pottery studies.--Nandris, J. G. Some light on prehistoric Europe.--Mellaart, J. Bronze age and earlier languages of the Near East.--Parr, P. J. The origin of the Canaanite jar.--Oates, E. E. D. M. Early vaulting in Mesopotamia.--Price-Williams, D. Preliminary report of the environmental archaeological survey of the Tell Fara, 1972.--Alexander, J. A. The history of the Fibula.--Hassall, M. W. C. Roman soldiers in Roman London.--Reece, R. M. Wages and prices.--Strong, D. E. Roman museums.--Hodges, H. W. M. Archaeology and the history of Mediaeval technology.--Stewart, H. M. Photogrammetry in archaeology.--Conlon, V. M. Specialised photographic techniques.--Dorrell, P. G. The photography of flints