Vol. 1 includes 5 plates engraved by William Blake; the other plates are engraved by Anker Smith, T. Holloway, T. Conder, and Frederick P. Nodder, and include an acquatint by S. Alken.
On t.p. to pt. 1: The second edition; on t.p., pt. 2: The third ed.
"Additional notes" to pt. 1 have separate paging and include notes on the Portland vase.
Wove paper.
"Errata in Part I" on p. [127] of last group; "Books published by the Botanic Society of Lichfield": pt. 1, p. [198]; "Errata", pt. 2, p. 197.
Includes index.
Pritzel, G.A. Thesaurus lit. botanicae, 2061.
Nissen, C. Die botanische Buchillustration, 451.
(from t.p.) Part I. Containing the economy of vegetation -- Part II. Containing the loves of the plants