Comparative genetics in monkeys, apes, and man proceedings of a symposium on comparative genetics in primates and human heredity held at Ernice, Sicily, July 1970 Edited by A.B. Chiarelli
Comparative primate genetics and human heredity / H. Kalmus -- Epigenetic polymorphism in the primate skeleton / A. Caroline Berry and R.J. Berry -- The heredity of dermatoglyphic traits in non-human primates and man / J. Mavalwala -- Phenylthiourea testing in primates / H. Kalmus -- Blood groups of non-human primates and their relationship to the blood groups of man / Alexander S. Wiener and J. Moor-Jankowski -- Leukocyte groups of non-human primates : their relation to histocompatibility and to human HL-A antigens / H. Balner, B.W. Gabb, H. Dersjant, W. v. Vreeswijk, A. v. Leeuwen and J.J. v. Rood -- Genetic structure and systematics of some macaques and men / Mark L. Weiss and Morris Goodman -- Evolving primate genes and proteins / Morris Goodman, Ann L. Koen, John Barnabas and G. William Moore -- Comparison of the hemoglobins in non-human primates and their importance in the study of human hemoglobins / Bolling Sullivan -- Phylogenesis of immunoglobulins in primates / A.O. Carbonara -- Comparative cytogenetics in primates and its relevance for human cytogenetics / A.B. Chiarelli -- Concluding remarks / N.A. Barnicot