Pt. 4 by Alexander Wetmore, Roger F. Pasquier, and Storrs L. Olson.
Pt. 5 by Deborah C. Siegel and Storrs L. Olson; published by Buteo Books, Shipman, Virginia, 2008.
Vols. 1-2: Publication 4617, 4732.
Also available online.
Also available via the Internet.
NZP pts. 1-3 (39088009107244, 8944266, 9263674) have bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Gift in memory of Martin H. Moynihan, Founding Director of STRI.
STRIGRS copy of pt. 1 39088014522221, pt. 2 39088014522213, has bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Gift of Orrey Pierce Young.
STRI copy pt. 3 39088014524177 has bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Gift of Orrey Young.
STRIBAR copy pt. 4 39088014524169 has bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Gift of Orrey Young.
STRIGRS copy pt. 3 39088015879620 gift of Neal G. Smith.
pt. 1. Tinamidae (tinamous) to Rynchopidae (skimmers).--pt. 2. Columbidae (pigeons) to Picidae (woodpeckers).--pt. 3. Passeriformes: Dendrocolaptidae (woodcreepers) to Oxyruncidae (sharpbills).--pt. 4. Order Passeriformes, suborder Passeres, Hirundinidae (swallows) to Fringillidae (finches).--pt. 5. Ornithological gazetteer and bibliography