The groundwork of practical naval gunnery; a study of the principles and practice of exterior ballistics, as applied to naval gunnery, and of the computation and use of ballistic and range tables, by Philip R. Alger ... Revised and extended to include the formulæ and methods of Colonel James M. Ingalls, U.S. Army, by the officers on duty in the Department of Ordnance and Gunnery, United StatesNava...
Ingalls, James M (James Monroe) 1837-1927 Search this
United States Naval Academy Department of Ordnance and Gunnery Search this
Physical description:
331 p., 1 l. fold. pl., fold. tables, diagrs. (part. fold.) 26 cm
"Probability table ... and Interpolation formulae" (1 leaf) in pocket.
"This revised work is based on Professor Alger's text book on Exterior ballistics (edition of 1906), and the additions to it concerning the Ingalls methods are from the Handbook of problems in exterior ballistics, Artillery circular N, series of 1893, Adjutant General's Office (edition of 1900), prepared by Colonel Ingalls."--Pref., p. 8.