283 pages illustrations (some color), map, colour portrait 31 cm
Field guides
New Zealand
"A comprehensive account of the seeds and other persistent parts of fruits for native NZ seed plants. This volume covers 25 families and 121 genera and 577 species or other recognised entities."--Introduction
BOT copy purchased from the Cullman Endowment
"This guide provides, for the first time, an account of the seeds and other persistent parts of fruits for New Zealand monocotyledons ... Because seeds survive long after most plant parts have deteriorated, the guide will assist in many sciences: in analysing diet from the gut, gizzard contents or faeces of mammals or birds, recreating past plant distributins from deposits in bogs or soils, and determining native food and crop plants at archaeological sites. And because seeds are relatively conservative structures in terms of their evolutionary diversification, it also provides a wealth of information of use in plant identification and classification - a critical science for conservation of biodiversity."--Back cover