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Webb, Constance  Search this
Physical description:
443 p illus 24 cm
collective biographies
20th century
20e siècle
"It's them goddamn rebels..." -- Richard is born, 1908 -- Memphis, Tennessee, dread and distrust... -- Terror... some natural force -- A somberness of spirit -- The white South has never known me... -- Chicago seemed an unreal city... -- " though offering libations of forgiveness to my environment." -- All my life I had been full of a hunger for a new way to live... -- New York, 1937 -- I love my people... -- Native son -- Dhima or Ellen? -- Ellen and Julia -- Black boy -- How many understand how they make us feel and live... -- World War II -- To live in this land is to breath poison each day... -- Dear Richard, It is obvious that you and I are the only two geniuses of this era... Gertrude Stein -- I feel certain that she knows already much more than she knows she knows... -- But I am filled with the details of living... -- I choose exile... -- I must make this film... -- The black existentialist and the white Freudian... -- Black Power... -- Pagan Spain -- I want to assume an attitude that places me wholly on the side of feeling in life... -- Island of hallucination... -- We fret, we feel frustrated, but things are moving on the broad scale. We must never forget that.
African American authors  Search this
Authors, American  Search this
Écrivains américains  Search this
Écrivains noirs américains  Search this
Call number:
CT275.W952 W3
Data Source:
Smithsonian Libraries