Scientific memoirs selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science, and from foreign journals. Natural history edited by Arthur Henfrey and Thomas Henry Huxley
A continuation of "Scientific memoirs ... Ed. by Richard Taylor", l837-52
On the circulation of sap in plants, by H. Hoffmann. - Upon the male of Argonauta Argo and the Hectocotyli, by H. Müller. - A few remarks upon Hectocotylus, by C.T. von Siebold. - Investigation of the question: does cellulose form the basis of all vegetable membranes? By H. von Mohl. - Memoir upon the Hectocotyli and the males of certain cephalopods, by J.B. Verany and C. Vogt. - Organographical observations on certain epigynous monocotyledons, by H. Crüger. - Fragments relating to philosophical zoology, by K.E. von Baer. -On the development of Zostera, by W. Hofmeister. - On the winding of leaves, by M. Wichura. - On the development of the ascidians, by A. Krohn. - Observations on the development of the Pectinibranchiata, by Koren and Danielssen
On the circulation of sap in plants, by H. Hoffmann. -- Upon the male of Argonauta Argo and the Hectocotyli, by H. Müller. -- A few remarks upon Hectocotylus, by C.T. von Siebold. -- Investigation of the question: does cellulose form the basis of all vegetable membranes? By H. von Mohl. -- Memoir upon the Hectocotyli and the males of certain cephalopods, by J.B. Verany and C. Vogt. -- Organographical observations on certain epigynous monocotyledons, by H. Crüger. -- Fragments relating to philosophical zoology, by K.E. von Baer. -On the development of Zostera, by W. Hofmeister. -- On the winding of leaves, by M. Wichura. -- On the development of the ascidians, by A. Krohn. -- Observations on the development of the Pectinibranchiata, by Koren and Danielssen