Get out of the road! : the battle over the public roads in America, 1870-1900 -- The right sort of people : the battle over taxes, sidepaths, and roads at the turn of the century -- The rules of the road : bicycling in the automotive age, 1900-1930 -- Victory bike battles : the debate over emergency transport in World War II -- 1950s syndrome : excluding bikes from suburban streets, interstate highways, and adult lives -- Bikes are beautiful : the bike boom, bikeways, and the battle over where to ride in the 1970s -- Conclusion : the road as a commons
Americans have been riding bikes for more than a century now. So why are most American cities still so ill-prepared to handle cyclists? James Longhurst, a historian and avid cyclist, tackles that question by tracing the contentious debates between American bike riders, motorists, and pedestrians over the shared road.