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Remote sensing and geospatial technologies for coastal ecosystem assessment and management / Xiaojun Yang, (ed.)

Catalog Data

Yang, Xiaojun 1965-  Search this
Physical description:
xiv, 561 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 24 cm
Geographic information systems
Remote sensing, geospatial technologies and coastal ecosystems / Xiaojun Yang -- Conceptual and technical issues. Sensors and techniques for observing coastal ecosystems / Victor V. Klemas ; Geographic information systems and spatial analysis for coastal ecosystem research and management / Jialing Wang, Libin Zhou and Xiaojun Yang ; Fuzzy approach for integrated coastal zone management / Tao Cheng, Martien Molenaar and Alfred Stein ; Spatial data infrastructures for coastal environments / Dawn J. Wright -- Remote sensing of coastal waters. Airborne remote sensing of chlorophyll in Chesapeake Bay, USA / Lawrence W. Harding, Jr. and W. David Miller ; Bio-optical characteristics and remote sensing in the mid Chesapeake Bay through integration of observations and radiative transfer closure / Maria Tzortziou [and others] -- Mapping submerged aquatic vegetation and benthic habitats. High-resolution ocean color remote sensing of coral reefs and associated benthic habitats / Deepak R. Mishra ; An integrated approach to benthic habitat mapping using remote sensing and GIS : an example from the Hawaiian Islands / Anne E. Gibbs and Susan A. Cochran ; Assessment of the abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) communities in the Chesapeake Bay and its use in SAV management / Kenneth A. Moore, Robert J. Orith and David J. Wilcox ; Distribution and spatial change of Hudson River Estuary submerged aquatic vegetation : implications for coastal management and natural resource protection / William C. Nieder [and others] ; Mapping marine macrophytes along the Atlantic Coast of Tierra Del Fuego (Argentina) by remote sensing / Sandra E. Torrusio -- Shoreline change, coastal wetland and watershed characterization. Shoreline mapping and coastal change studies using remote sensing imagery and LIDAR data / Hongxing Liu ; Remote sensing of coastal mangrove forest / Le Wang and Wayne P. Sousa ; Remote sensing support for tidal wetland vegetation research and management / Maggi Kelly and Karin Tuxen ; Assessment of coastal-vegetation habitats using airborne laser remote sensing / Amar Nayegandhi and John C. Brock ; Measuring habitat changes in barrier island marshes : an example from Southeastern North Carolina, USA / Joanne N. Halls ; Mapping fire scars and marsh recovery with remote sensing data / Elijah Ramsey III [and others] ; Response of reed mudflats in the Caspian Coastal Zone to sea level fluctuations / Valentina I. Kravtsova ; Integrating satellite imagery and geospatial technologies for coastal landscape pattern characterization / Xiaojun Yang -- Integrated coastal ecosystem assessment. Remote sensing and spatial analysis of watershed and estuarine processes for conservation planning in Elkhorn Slough, Monterey County, California / Kristin B. Byrd ; Runoff water quality, landuse and environmental impacts on the Bellairs Fringing Reef, Barbados / Marko Tosic [and others]
Coastal zone management--Geographic information systems  Search this
Coastal zone management--Remote sensing  Search this
Coastal mapping  Search this
Environmental mapping  Search this
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Smithsonian Libraries