Max Bill : ohne Anfang, ohne Ende : eine Retrospektive zum hundertsten Geburtstag des Künstlers, Designers, Architekten, Typografen und Theoretikers = Max Bill : no beginning, no end : a retrospective making the centenary of the artist, designed, architect, typographer and theoretician
Published on the occasion of the exhibition at MARTa Herford, February 2 - March 20, 2008.
Max Bill : ohne Anfang ohne Ende : ein Interview mit Frau Dr. Angela Thomas Schmid = Max Bill : no beginning, no end : an interview with Dr Angela Thomas Schmid -- Max Bill und die Avant-garde des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts : einige Anmerkungen = Max Bill and the avant-garde of the early 20th century : some remarks / Ulrike Bestgen -- Der unendliche Traum von der Perfektion = The endless dream of perfection / Lorenzo Benedetti -- Der politische Bill = The political Bill / Erich Schmid -- Max Bill : die überprüfbare Logik = Max Bill : the verifiable logic / Getulio Alviani -- Max Bill : Auszüge aus Quellentexten = Max Bill : excerpts from source texts -- Max Bill : Originaltöne = Max Bill : soundbites
"The Swiss artist, designer and architect Max Bill (1908-1994) remains a key figure in Europe's applied arts and is one of Concrete and Constructive art's most influential exponents. Bill's 100th birthday offers the occasion to cast a new glance at his versatile oeuvre; several of the sculptures, paintings, furnishings, use objects and typographies in this book have only rarely been available for viewing. The texts additionally shed light on Bill's artistic environment and document his influence on other artists."--BOOK JACKET.