Odontography; or a treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth; their physiological relations, mode of developmemt and microscopic structure in the vertebrated animals. Vol. 1, text; Vol. 2, Atlas containing one hundred and sixty eight plates
Teeth of Cetacea, pp. 345-372, pll. lxxxvii, lxxxviiA, lxxxviii, lxxxix, lxxxixA., xci-xcvii (includes Sirenia). Pl. lxxxvii, narwhal, skull, two examples, male and female, from below, after Home. Pl. lxxxviiA Balaenoptera boops ("Balaena" on plate), fig. 1, alveolar groove of foetal specimen, figg. 206, teeth, nat. size from Eschricht; fig. 7, Platanista, lower jaw, and two detached teeth, the latter natural size. Pl. lxxxviii, fig. 1 Hyperoodon, beak from below, fig. orig.; fig. 2, Delphinus delphis, part of lower jaw, fig. orig. Pl. lxxxix, ibid. mag. sections of tooth, fig. orig. Pl. xci, Zeuglodon cetoides, mag. sections of tooth, fig. orig. Sirenians, pp. 364-372, pll. xcii-xcvii; Halicore, pp. 364-371; Manatus, p. 371; Halitherium p. 372. Pl. xcii, Dugong (Halicore indicus"), lower jaw, fig. orig. Pl. xciii, ibid. fig. 1, upper jaw; fig. 2, part of lower jaw; figg. 3-6, teeth; fig. from Home. Pl. xciv, ibid., transverse section of molar, fig. orig. Pl. xcv, ibid., section tusk, fig. orig. Pl. xcvi, figg. 1-3, Manatus americanus, teeth. Pl. xcvii, Halitherium, fragment upper jaw, part lower jaw, detached teeth.