A compilation, mainly from Lacepede, whose nomenclature is followed. The species are the same as those recognized by Lacepede. Generalities, pp. 38-44; 1e fam., Narwals, Narwali, pp. 44-49; 1. narwal vulgaire (Monodon monoceros, L.), pp. 45-48; 2. narwal microcephale (Narwalus microcephalus, Lacep.), p. 48; 3. narwal andersonien (N. andersonianus) p. 49; 2e fam., Anarnaks, Anarnaci, pp. 49-50; 4. anarnak groenlandois (Anarnak groenlandicus, Lacep.) p. 49; 3e fam., Cachalots propement dits, Catodontes, pp. 50-59; 5. cachalot macrocephale (Physeter macrocephalus, Gm.), pp. 50-56; 6. cachalot trumpo (Catodon macrocephalus, Gm.), pp. 56-58; 7. cachalot svineval (Physeter catodon, Gm.) p. 58; 8. cachalot blanchatre (Catodon macrocephalus, var. B, Gm.) p. 58; 4e fam., Physales, Physali, pp. 59-61; 9. physale cylindrique, (Physalus cylindricus, Lacep.), pp. 59-61; 5e fam., Physeteres, Physeters, pp. 61-63;
10. physetere micrope (P. microps, Gm.), pp. 61, 62; 11. physetere orthodon (B. mycrops, var. B., Gm.), pp. 63, 64; 12. physetere mular, (P. tursio, Gm.), pp. 64, 65; 6e fam., Delphinapteres, Delphinapteri, pp. 65-67; 13. delphinaptere beluga (Delphinapterus leucas, Gm.), pp. 65-67; 14. delphinaptere senedette (Delphinapterus senedetta, Lacep.), p. 67; 7e fam., Dauphins, Delphini, pp. 67-81; 15. dauphin vulgaire (Delphinus delphis, Gm.), pp. 68-71; 16. dauphin marsouin (D. phocoena, Gm.), pp. 71-74; 17. dauphin orque (D. orca, Gm., var. A), pp. 74, 75; 18. dauphin gladiateur (D. orca, Gm., var. B), pp. 75-77; 19. dauphin nesernak (D. nesarnack, Lacep.), p. 77; 20. dauphin diodon (D. diodon, Lacep.), p. 78;
21. dauphin ventru (D. ventricosus, Lacep.), p. 78; 22. dauphin feres (D. feres, Lacep.), p. 79; 23. dauphin de Duhamel (D. duhamelii, Lacep.), p. 79; 24. dauphin de Peron (D. peronii, Lacep.), p. 80; 25. dauphin de Commerson (D. commersoni, Lacep.), p. 81; 8e fam., Hyperoodons, Hyperoodontes, pp. 81-82; 26. hyperoodon butskopf (D. orca, Gm. var. C), pp.81-83.