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Unknown  Search this
Shaft: granite; Figures: marble; base: concrete
Sculptures-Outdoor Sculpture
Administered by United States Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration 810 Vermont Avenue, N.W Washington District of Columbia 20420
Located Mound City National Cemetery Illinois Route 51 Mound City Illinois 62963
Installed 1874
Save Outdoor Sculpture, Illinois survey, 1993.
National Cemetery Administration Memorials Inventory Project, 2002-2005.
Image on file.
(On four sides of the pedestal are marble slabs with the names of Illinois soldiers who died during the Civil War)
The information provided about this artwork was compiled as part of the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture database, designed to provide descriptive and location information on artworks by American artists in public and private collections worldwide.
The pedestal, 14 ft. in height, rests on a base 24 ft. square, and is surmounted by a shaft 50 ft. in height. On the four sides of the pedestal are marble slabs containing the names of the soldiers in whose memory the monument was erected. At the bottom of the shaft there are two figures in marble -- one represents a volunteer soldier, the other a sailor. Atop the shaft is the goddess of war.
History--United States--Civil War  Search this
Figure male--Full length  Search this
Occupation--Military--Soldier  Search this
Occupation--Military--Sailor  Search this
Dress--Uniform--Military Uniform  Search this
Object--Weapon--Gun  Search this
Figure female--Full length  Search this
Allegory--Civic--War  Search this
Control number:
IAS IL000386
Data Source:
Art Inventories Catalog, Smithsonian American Art Museums