Sculpture: bronze; Pedestal: polished red and grey granite; Base: Mt. Airy granite
Sculptures-Outdoor Sculpture
Administered by United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Washington District of Columbia
Administered by Vicksburg National Military Park 3201 Clay Street, Box 349 Vicksburg Mississippi 39180
Located Vicksburg National Military Park Confederate Avenue, opposite Fort Garrott Vicksburg Mississippi
1908. Dedicated June 1909
Couper, Greta Elena, "An American Sculptor on the Grand Tour," Los Angeles, CA: TreCavalli Press, 1988.
National Park Service, American Monuments and Outdoor Sculpture Database, MS5027, 1989.
Monumental News, Jan. 1910, pg. 23, 37.
Save Outdoor Sculpture, Mississippi survey, 1993.
Vicksburg National Military Park, 1988.
Image on file.
Couper, Greta Elena, "An American Sculptor on the Grand Tour, Los Angeles, CA: 1988, plate 121.
(On base front of bust, raised letters:) GARROTT (On right of base of bust:) Wm Couper/New York (On left side of base of bust:) GORHAM.CO.FOUNDERS (On upper base, incised:) ISHAM WARREN GARROTT/BRIGADIER GENERAL/C.S.A./COLONEL TWENTIETH ALABAMA/COMMANDING SECOND BRIGADE/STEVENSON'S DIVISION/MAY 1-2 1863/KILLED ON DUTY IN FORT GARROTT/JUNE 17 1863/-/DONATED BY HIS SONS/S.B. AND JOHN F. GARROTT signed Founder's mark appears.
The information provided about this artwork was compiled as part of the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture database, designed to provide descriptive and location information on artworks by American artists in public and private collections worldwide.
A bust of Brig. General Isham Garrott, in uniform, including hat. The bust sits atop a decorative granite two-tiered base. The base has a molded capitol and incised inscription on the front.