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Portrait of Hugh Montgomerie, Later Twelfth Earl of Eglinton, (painting)

Catalog Data

Copley, John Singleton 1738-1815  Search this
Montgomerie, Hugh  Search this
Oil on canvas
Los Angeles County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles California 90036 Accession Number: M.68.74
Fort, Ilene Susan and Michael Quick, "American Art: A Catalogue of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Collection," Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1991, pg. 97-98.
Prown, Jules David. "John Singleton Copley," Cambridge, MA: Published for the National Gallery of Art, Washington [by] Harvard University Press, 1966.
Image on file.
Antiques (Oct. 1995): pg. 520.
Fort, Ilene Susan and Michael Quick, "American Art: A Catalogue of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Collection," Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1991, pg. 97.
(Lower right:) J S Copley/1780 signed
The information provided about this artwork was compiled as part of the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture database, designed to provide descriptive and location information on artworks by American artists in public and private collections worldwide.
Full-length portrait of Hugh Montgomerie (1739-1819) shown as a major leading a battle. He is wearing a military uniform; he holds a sword and points to the left. Several figures are fighting behind him, some in military uniform, some Indians. Smoke fills the sky behind him.
Portrait male--Full length  Search this
Occupation--Other--Aristocrat  Search this
Occupation--Military--Major  Search this
Dress--Uniform--Military Uniform  Search this
Architecture--Military--Battlefield  Search this
Figure group  Search this
State of Being--Evil--War  Search this
Control number:
IAP 80130480
Data Source:
Art Inventories Catalog, Smithsonian American Art Museums