Administered by Fairmount Park Art Association 1616 Walnut Street, Suite 2012 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19103
Located Fairmount Park East side of park, Kelly Drive at Fountain Green Drive Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Ca. 1950. Cast 1954. Dedicated April 26, 1972
Public Monument Conservation Project, 1986.
Fairmount Park Art Assoc., "Sculpture of a City: Philadelphia's Treasures in Bronze & Stone," NY: Walker Publ., 1974, pg. 297.
Bach, Penny Balkin, "Public Art in Philadelphia," Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992, pg. 230.
Save Outdoor Sculpture, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia survey, 1993.
Image on file.
Fairmount Park Art Assoc., "Sculpture of a City: Philadelphia's Treasures in Bronze & Stone," NY: Walker Publ., 1974, pg. 297.
The information provided about this artwork was compiled as part of the Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture database, designed to provide descriptive and location information on artworks by American artists in public and private collections worldwide.
Three winged angels, each blowing on a horn, are installed at the top of three tall columns which are positioned in a triangle. The west angel plays a trumpet and stands with its proper left foot attached to the column and its proper right foot swinging out behind. The south angel plays a curved horn and stands with its proper right foot on top of the column and its proper left leg raised sightly. The north angel plays a trumpet and stands with its proper right foot on the column and its proper left leg raised. The angels appear to be flying, their wings extended behind them, their curly hair tosses by the wind.