ITALIAN TRIPTYCH. Twelfth century. (Tem., w. g.b.g. 24 x 15.) Nineteen compositions: 1. The Annunciation; 2. Birth of Christ; 3. Adoration of the Magi; 4. Presentation in the Temple; 5. Baptism; 6. Adoration by Angels; 7. Last Supper; 8. Agony in the Garden; 9. Betrayal; 10. Trial before Pilate; 11. Judgment; 12. Scourging; 13. Crucifixion; 14. Descent from the Cross; 15. Burial; 16. Resurrection; 17. St. John in the Wilderness; 18. Martyrdom; 19. Herodias. Before the invention of printing or engraving, this sort of painting was a pictorial Bible, as it were, for purposes of family instruction and devotion. [P. 42.]
Descriptive Catalogue of "Old Masters," collected by James J. Jarves, to illustrate the History of Painting from A.D. 1200 to the best periods of Italian Art, and deposited in the "Institute of Fine Arts," 625 Broadway, New York. Cambridge: H.O. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press. 1860.