"Painted from life by Miss Williams, who was a personal friend of Mr. Hart for many years." [P. 17.] "Williams, Abby O. and Mary E., sisters. Born in Boston, Mass. Together studied and taught drawing in Salem, Mass., until 1861, and then went to Italy and studied ten years from the works of the old masters and from life. In 1881 the sisters returned to Italy and made many careful studies of church interiors. They have exhibited in Rome, London, Liverpool, Boston, and Philadelphia. Mary E. Williams was awarded an honorable mention at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, Pa., 1876." [P. LII.]
Illustrated Catalogue of the Art Gallery of the Southern Exposition, Louisville, Ky. August 28 - October 23, 1886 Prepared by Charles M. Kurtz, Editor of National Academy Notes, Director of the Art Department. Published for the Art Committee by John P. Morton and Company, 440-446 West Main Street, Louisville, Ky.