Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. [not numbered]
Also a large collection of Engravings, finely coloured Lithographs, and Water Colour Drawings, some in portfolios, others bound. Among them are the "Musee Royal" and the "Musee Francais" in 6 vols. royal folio, containing about 350 fine line engravings: and "van Amstel's Fac-similes of the Drawings of the old Dutch Masters," in crayon, ink, bistre, and water colours, in 3 vols., folio, containing 105 pictures; an exceedingly rare and scarce work. [Pp. 13-14.]
A Descriptive Catalogue of a Private Collection of Cabinet Oil Paintings, and Other Works of Art, in the Possession of H. Russell Paine. Charleston, S.C. Harper & Calvo, Printers. 1855.