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Jet de eau and Musical Party in the Garden of Versailles, Paris, (painting)

Catalog Data

Watteau, Anthony 1684-1721  Search this
Exhibition Catalogs
Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. 145 (Sale info: For Sale).
"This beautiful picture is an undoubted original of this illustrious master. In the carnation there appears an inexpressible delicacy. It is impossible to see anything more tender, more soft, or more round than the figures, without harshness of outline. The reputation of watteau increased continually, though, as his manner of thinking, composing and colouring was quite new, his performances were neither admired nor coveted, while he lived, as they have been since his death and they seem to be still increasing in their value. He had hoped to have added to his fortune and credit by visiting London, but the bad state of his health during his continuance in that city, which was but for one year; the novelty of his style, which at first seemed rather to surprise aggreeably, than immediately to excite either admiration or applause; and perhaps his not being sufficiently known to those who were the best judges of the art, those several circumstances might have contributed to his not having experienced in England such encouragement as was proportioned to his merit. He accustomed himself to copy the works of the best artists, and made the colouring of Rubens and Vandyk his models. He was indefatigable in designing, never permitting his pencil to be unemployed, as may readily be conjectured from the great quantity of works which he sketched and finished. His subjects are generally comic conversations, the marchings, haltings, or encampments of armies, landscapes, and grotesques, all of which he finished with a free, flowing pencil, a pleasing tone of colour, a neat and spirited touch, and they are all correctly designed. The figures which he introduces in his compositions, in whatever character he designs them, have a peculiar grace in the airs of the heads, and somewhat becoming in their attitudes, their actions are easy and natural, and they are always agree- ably and skilfully disposed. The colouring of his landscapes is lively, his trees are touched with singular freeddom, and the whole together has a charming effect. Painted by Anthony Watteau, who was born at Valenciennes, 1684, died 1721." [P. 26.]
Descriptive Catalogue of Original Cabinet Paintings, now arranged in the Gallery, Doggett's Repository of Arts, entrance at No. 16, Market-Street, and may be viewed every day, from 8 in the morning till sunset; being a truly splendid and valuable Collection of one hundred and sixty-four Cabinet Paintings in elegant frames; selected on the Continent of Europe, at the Expense of thirty thousand dollars, and are warranted to comprise the works of the Great Masters, from the 13th Century to the Present Time.
Landscape--Park--Versailles Gardens  Search this
Landscape--France--Versailles  Search this
Landscape--Foreign--France  Search this
Performing Arts--Music  Search this
Architecture--Monument--Fountain  Search this
Figure group  Search this
Control number:
AECI 03260145
Data Source:
Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index