Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. 109 (Sale info: For Sale).
"These are two excellent specimens of this famous artist of the French school, he rendered himself famous by his sea pieces, and his landscapes composed of scenes in Italy; he passed many years at Rome, where his works, which were much sought after by foreigners, were held in estimation by the Italians themselves, who seemed to reckon him among the number of their artists. In his landscapes, which were moderately diversified, he displayed the beauties of nature without servilely copying her, he united goodness of effect, with what is termed truth of colour- ing; and gave an animation to his figures which may be said to be a distinguishing mark of his work - he was employed by Louis XV. to paint views of the ports of France. Painted by Joseph Vernet, who was born at Avignon, 1712, died 1786." [P. 17; see serial 03260108 for companion piece.]
Descriptive Catalogue of Original Cabinet Paintings, now arranged in the Gallery, Doggett's Repository of Arts, entrance at No. 16, Market-Street, and may be viewed every day, from 8 in the morning till sunset; being a truly splendid and valuable Collection of one hundred and sixty-four Cabinet Paintings in elegant frames; selected on the Continent of Europe, at the Expense of thirty thousand dollars, and are warranted to comprise the works of the Great Masters, from the 13th Century to the Present Time.