Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. 83 (Sale info: To Be Auctioned).
S.W. Shaw, after Healey. [P. 11; exhibited under heading: "Bank Exchange Collection."]
H.M. Newhall & Co., Auctioneers, Office and Showroom cor. of Sansome and H. Heek Streets. Catalogue of elegant oil Paintings Large, Medium and Cabinet Pictures from the Easels of A. Doll, P. Just, W. Parker, J. Edwin, J.J. Zang, A. Van Alem, C. Somers, A. Muller, W.C.A. Fredrichs, A. Melrose, A. Mario, C. Clemin and other well known artists. Included in this Sale We Will Sell the Elegant Painting of 'Samson and Delilah' by Jacobs and the Portraits of Washington, Jackson, and other Fine Paintings formerly at Bank Exchange of this City. To be sold at Auction, at Salesroom of H.H. Newhall & Co., 609, 611 and 613 Sansome Street, Wednesday, March 4, 1874, at 11 o'clock, a.m.