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The Annunciation of the Nativity to the Shepherds --St. Luke II, 8, 9, (painting)

Catalog Data

Ribera, Giuseppe 1584-1656  Search this
Exhibition Catalogs
Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. 33
Giuseppe Ribera, commonly called Lo Spagnoletto, born 1584, died 1656, aged 72. Spain and Naples long disputed for the honour of having given birth to this great painter, but it is now universally acknowledged that he was born at Xativa, now San Felipe, in the kingdom of Valencia, and it is probable that he learned in Spain the first principles of his art. It is certain however that he studied at Naples under Michel Angiolo da Caravaggio, in 1606; and though he afterwards studied the works of Raphael, Correggio and the Caracci, which for a time influenced his manner, yet he afterwards returned to that of Caravaggio, and excelled his master in invention and the choice of subjects. He was fond of painting Anchorites, Prophets, Apostles, Philosophers, and generally chose for his subjects, Martyrdoms, Massacres, and other subjects of horror. His principal works are in Rome, Naples and Spain. He died at Naples. 33. The Annunciation of the Nativity to the Shepherds.--St. Luke ii. 8, 9. 34. The Adoration of the Wise Men.--St. Matt. ii. 11. (On canvass--Companion pictures--length 5 feet 10 inches, breadth 4 feet 1 inch.) These two pictures are thought by Connoisseurs to be in his first manner. [P. 24; exhibited under heading: "Neapolitan School." See entry 06140031 for companion piece, and entry 06140034 for related commentary.]
Catalogue of the Pictures which formed the collection of Joseph Capece Latro, ancient Archbishop of Taranto, &c. in the Kingdom of Naples now exhibited in the City Dispensary, in White Street, for the benefit of that Charitable Institution. New York, October, 1835.
Religion--New Testament--Nativity  Search this
Religion--New Testament--Shepherds  Search this
Figure group  Search this
Control number:
AECI 06140030
Data Source:
Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index