Omaha. The small remnant of a numerous tribe on the western banks of the Missouri, reduced by whiskey and small-pox. 1833. Cartoon No. 20. a.--Nom-ba-mon-ye (The Double Walker). b.--Om-pa-ton-ga (The Big Elk). C.--Man-sha-qui-ta (The Little Soldier); three Omaha warriors, dressed and equipped for war, with shields, bows, quivers, and war Clubs. [P. 10; see entries 05690066 and 05690068 for other works noted in this commentary.]
Catalogue Descriptive and Instructive of Catlin's Indian Cartoons. Portraits, Types, and Customs. 600 Paintings in Oil, with 20,000 full length figures illustrating their various Games, Religious Ceremonies, and other Customs, and 27 Canvas Paintings of Lasalle's Discoveries. New York: Baker & Godwin, Printers, Printing-House Square, 1871.