White, pink, or purple cup-like blossoms which appear before leaves.
Fall Color:
Foliage Characteristics:
New leaves reddish, but mature to green.Leaves are simple, alternate, have entire margines, and oblong shaped with a pointed tip. 4-8" long.
Fruit Characteristics:
Some 1-4" long cones produced. For those that do produce cones, they may split to reveal red-orange fruit. Matures from August-September.
Key ID Characteristics:
Bark; saucer-shaped flowers; multi-trunked or wit low main branches; hairs on flower buds are dense and short
Known as the saucer magnolia, this commonly grown deciduous magnolia hybrid was first crossed in the early 1800s by Chevalier Etienne Soulange-Bodin. It blooms beautifully in early spring before its leaves come in, presenting a display of pink flowers with white interiors covering dark branches. This magnolia can also have another, sporadic bloom in the fall, although these flowers are typically less vibrant.