The Postal Service honored Eddie Rickenbacker with the issuance of a 60-cent international-rate stamp on September 25, 1995, in Columbus, Ohio. The stamp was designed by Davis Meltzer of Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania.
Eddie Rickenbacker, an aviation pioneer, was born on October 8, 1890, in Columbus, Ohio. He became interested in internal combustion engines and engine-powered vehicles in 1905, while working for a railroad-car manufacturing firm. In 1917, he enlisted in the US Army and went to France, where he later took pilot's training and was assigned to the 94th Aero Pursuit Squadron. Rickenbacker earned nearly every decoration possible, including the Medal of Honor. After returning to the United States, Rickenbacker became general manager and vice-president of Eastern Airlines, where he served until his retirement in 1963.
The stamp was printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the gravure process.