Gill, T. N. 1864. Descriptive enumeration of a collection of fishes from the western coast of Central America, presented to the Smithsonian Institution by Captain John M. Dow. 15 167.
Type Status:
Probably western North Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
02 specimens were originally in lot; smaller specimen was reassignged to usnm 314980; according to gill's original description only 01 type exists. evidently this smaller specimen assigned to usnm 314980 was placed in the jar by mistake and should not be considered part of the type series. a hand written note by g.s. myers explains the confusion.
According to Jordan and Gilbert (1882, Proc. USNM, 5:373) this specimen probably did not come from Panama. It is apparently a synonym of Hirundichthys volador, which occurs in the western North Atlantic.