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2.629 g
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# NASA data for LEW 85300 Weathering: A/B Fracturing: A Pairing: LEW 85300 Fs: 32-63 mol % NTL: 19 ± 4 krad
Thin, shiny fusion crust with flow marks coats most of the top of LEW85300. The bottom surface has some fusion crust but most of this face is a fracture surface which appears to have been moderately polished. Fusion crust appears as dull patches on 85302 and 85303. Several large semi-rounded polymineralic clasts (as large as 2 x 2 cm in dimension) have sharply defined edges and are set in a black matrix that is made up of minute inclusions. Cleaving the stones in half revealed an interior that is lighter in color than the exterior. Several different sharply defined clasts, including white, fine-grained clasts and black aphanitic clasts, were exposed. One large interior area shows extensive oxidation.