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0.21 g
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# NASA data for ALH 77216 Weathering: A/B Fracturing: B/C Fa: 15-35 mol % Fs: 14-23 mol % ²⁶Al: 40 ± 3 dpm/kg
Ice was present on the sample when it was removed from cold storage. Dull, black fusion crust (as much as 0.5 mm) covers half the specimen. The sample is approximately 15.0 x 9.0 x 8.0 cm. Field photographs show that the T and N surfaces were in contact with the ice at time of recovery. The overall color of this specimen is greenish-gray. Numerous inclusions (rounded and irregular) ranging to greater than 2.0 cm are apparent on the fracture surfaces, these range from white to whitish-gray to dark gray. The fracture surfaces show varying degrees of weathering, presumably due to different lengths of exposure time. This meteorite is very heterogeneous on a centimeter scale. Many fractures penetrate the sample. No fresh metal was observed when collecting a suitable thin section sample. This specimen resembles ALHA77215, ALHA77217, and ALHA77252.