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0.67 g
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# NASA data for ALH 77249 Weathering: C Fracturing: C Pairing: ALH 77011 Fa: 35-7 mol % Fs: 2-25 mol % ²⁶Al: 37 ± 2 dpm/kg
This is not a complete specimen. The S and T surfaces have very thin, dull patches of fusion crust. The B surface has thin, shiny black fusion crust, portions of which have weathered to reddish-brown. There are numerous inclusions, both chondrules and lithic clasts, visible through the reddish-brown oxidation rind. The largest chondrule is approximately 0.5 cm in diameter and is lighter colored than the surrounding matrix. A few inclusions that are darker than the matrix are also observed; however, they are not as numerous or as large. The sample is angular, 11.0 x 6.5 x 5.0 cm, and has many obvious fractures on the exterior surface.