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1.9 g
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# NASA data for MET 78028 Weathering: B Fracturing: B Fa: 25 mol % Fs: 21 mol % ²⁶Al: 56 ± 3 dpm/kg NTL: 22.7 ± 0.7 krad
Four surfaces of this angular stone are covered with a thin, dull, black fusion crust, and two surfaces are fracture surfaces which are red-brown in color. Sawing this specimen in half revealed an interior with a light gray matrix that contains inclusions up to 5 mm. in diameter. Oxidation halos occur around all of the metal and gives the cut face a mottled look. Two large fractures run across the saw face, one has a large area of oxidation along its entire length. Further sawing exposed a chondrule ~8 mm in diameter.