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0.96 g
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# NASA data for ALH 77225 Weathering: Ce Fracturing: C Pairing: ALH 77004 Fa: 17 mol % Fs: 16 mol % ²⁶Al: 51 ± 3 dpm/kg
This specimen has no fusion crust and is uniformly weathered and stained reddish-brown, however, some surfaces are more shiny than others. The sample is extremely fractured. One brassy colored clast is present on the T surface, possibly a troilite nodule. The B surface has what appears to be slickensides, but because of the severe weathering of the specimen it is impossible to determine this unambiguously. No un-weathered material is present on the exterior of the sample. When the specimen was cleaved it fell into many pieces and no unweathered material was exposed. Dimensions: 20 x 19 x 11 cm.